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Thank you for being willing to support our church financially. 

Regular Giving

We have recently joined the Parish Giving Scheme which makes it simpler and more tax efficient to regularly give to St Lawrence with St Paul.

To financially support our church please visit this link:

 Make a Donation

If you would like to make a one-off donation please click here and you will be redirected to an online Giving page, Thank you

 St Lawrence Lychgate Restoration Appeal

We are calling on the wider community of Longridge to help us raise the £20,000 needed to restore the lychgate at the Parish Church of St. Lawrence.

Unveiled in1939 the lychgate for 85 years has welcomed people attending regular worship as well as families bringing babies for baptism, couples on their wedding day and of course people coming to the funeral or grave of a loved one.

For most of us who have lived in the Longridge area all our lives we have perhaps taken the lychgate for granted - it's something that's always been there, along with all the history and heritage that surrounds St. Lawrence church and churchyard.

The lychgate has obviously been repaired over the years by splicing new wood into parts of the structure but that structure is now being attacked by fungal rot and wood boring beetles as well as suffering considerable damage caused by water ingress.

Having served the community well for 85 years our hope is that we can ensure the lychgate is there to welcome people for another 85 years and more.

Your donation towards this Restoration Appeal would be much appreciated.


Leaving a Legacy

When we think of the past, it is important to remember that generations of parishioners have been kind enough to leave a legacy to the church. Some for specific purposes, such as the building of the Parish Room at St Lawrence's, and some of a more general nature.  Some have been lump sums to be spent, and some have been left to be invested, so we can use the income going forward. Should you feel able to make the church a beneficiary of your will, you will know that you will join a distinguished group of benefactors, and help to continue to support a thriving Parish well into the future.



Should you require any further information about either Making a Donation or Leaving a Legacy, please either speak to the Treasurer, Graham Kelsall, or email him at